Maximize Your Potential
with Holistic Wellness Solutions

Elevate Performance and Wellbeing Through Proven Yogic Practices

Harness The Power of Self

A 9-week performance wellness program designed to help individuals improve efficiency and productivity through mind, body, and emotional balance.

Our body and mind come with their own innate intelligence, and when we fully align the two, we are in a place to perform and feel at our very best.

Effectiveness of AŠVA

*Findings from AŠVA Intervention Study

0 %
Reduction of
Severe Insomnia
0 %
Improvement of
Quality of Life
0 %
Reduction in
0 %
Reduction in
Generalized Anxiety

Effectiveness of AŠVA

*Findings from AŠVA Intervention Study

The Outward Impact of
your Inward Journey

Enhanced Productivity

Stress Reduction

Boosted Morale and Engagement

Improved Health and Well-Being

Boost Awareness & Focus

Eliminate & Inhibit Mental Blocks

The Outward Impact of
your Inward Journey

Enhanced Productivity


Boosted Morale & Engagement

Improved Health & Well-Being

Boost Awareness & Focus

Eliminate & Inhibit Mental Blocks

Excel at Work and Beyond in 9 Weeks

1 Week Free Trial

Online Course

Team Training

Understanding Behavioral Health

Professionals in corporate and government jobs face relentless pressure and scrutiny, impacting their mental wellbeing and overall performance. The demands of their positions often lead to significant stress and emotional strain. 

Some reasons why employees hold back from seeking help

Lack awareness on mental health services

Fear of privacy & confidentiality

Global Events Impact

Leadership and Organizational Culture

Work-Life Imbalance

Job Insecurity and Uncertainty

Who We've Worked With

Our Partners

Our Partners

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