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What is Behavioral Health?

Behavioral Health describes the connection between behaviors and the health and well-being of the body, mind, and spirit

Some common behavioral disorders include

Eating disorders

Substance abuse

Anxiety disorder

Irregular sleep


Social Isolation

Some common behavioral disorders include

Eating disorders

Substance abuse

Anxiety disorder

Irregular sleep


Social Isolation

Behavioral Health in the United States

The global pandemic has only worsened behavioral health in America. According to a survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 1 in 5 Americans live with mental illness. Serious suicidal thoughts, severe depression, and substance abuse are also on the rise among the youth.

Various studies have revealed, that a substantial number of American adults suffering from behavioral health issues do not undergo medical help or treatment.

A study by Mental Health America pointed out that nearly 60% of the youth suffering from severe depression do not receive treatment. Furthermore, 2.5 million youth have severe depression, among them, multi-racial youth are at an even higher risk.

Struggles Among Employees

Within corporate environments and government entities, individuals frequently bear the weight of high expectations without seeking professional assistance. This reluctance contributes to increased stress levels, low morale, and a host of behavioral health issues. These unaddressed concerns impact individual well-being and organizational dynamics, underscoring the need for a culture promoting help-seeking and prioritizing mental health support in professional environments.

Cause for Concern

Employees frequently find themselves balancing multiple aspects of their lives to excel in their professional roles. The pressure to maintain a polished image often prevents them from seeking necessary support. Consequently, many experience a decline in performance, disengagement, mental health challenges, and a potential departure from the career they are deeply passionate about. This leads to frustration, anger, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, and other behavioral health issues.

Multiple factors impacting Behavioral Health

Past traumatic incidents

Biological factors

COVID 19 and the following effects, economically and personally

Emotional turmoil at home

Unhealthy lifestyle

Behavioral Health in the United States

Recent studies reveal concerning statistics among corporate workers and government officials

Studies indicate that approximately 40% of employees in corporate settings report high levels of stress, affecting their performance and overall wellbeing. Additionally, around 30% struggle with anxiety-related issues due to workplace pressures.

Within government roles, surveys highlight that nearly 50% of officials face increased stress levels, with approximately 25% reporting symptoms related to depression and anxiety.

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